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What We Do

FLARE is unique in the sense that we are an academic, social, and service FLO. We go to great lengths to make sure every member gets the core experience here at A&M, so we prioritize these 3 values equally. Throughout the year, students have many opportunities to excel academically, make new friends, and give back to the Bryan/College Station community.



Because FLARE is a major-specific FLO, academics are of great importance to us. Throughout the year, we invite professors, advisors, and faculty members from the fields of arts and sciences to speak at our meetings. These panels are an incredible way for students to ask questions regarding classes, studying, and advice from experts. In addition

to this, FLARE hosts 2 study hour sessions each week. One is a

general study hours where all members gather to chat and

study, and the other is a major-specific study hours where

students can get individualized help from other students and

staff members in their major. Academics are a huge priority,

so we ensure that everyone has plenty of time to study and

ask questions year round.

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Making friends is an important aspect of college life, and we make sure you find lifelong friends here. From attending road trips to playing soccer in FLO Cup, we implement many opportunities to get to know each other and have fun. Every other meeting we have is a social, and they can range from holiday celebrations to board game night. By the end of the year, many close friendships form that will last your entire college career.



In addition to excelling academically and socially, we also prioritize helping the Texas A&M and Brazos Valley community. Our primary philanthropy this year is Twin City Mission whose mission can be found here. Several weekends throughout the year we get together to volunteer at the Brazos Valley Food Bank and clean our adopted street. We also participate

in university-wide community service events such as Big Event and

Shackathon. This community is vital to A&M and its students, so

we do everything we can to give back.

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